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Guide to CBD Integration: Everything to Know About Taking CBD

by Molly Behunin March 08, 2019 2 Comments

dosage for cbd oil dosage guide

Welcome to healing with plant medicine

If you are in the health and wellness world or use integrative medicines to heal then you have heard all about the hype of this new cannabis or hemp derived extract called CBD. CBD has gotten all of the hype because there are so many claims that say how it can aid in healing almost every major imbalance that humans in the United States suffer from. Most people are questioning if it really works, or maybe they are afraid to use an extract from such a historically taboo plant. This uncharted territory can be challenging and intimidating to embark on. My Natural CBD is here to guide you along the path of healing with effortless clarity. The CBD we use here at My Natural CBD actually is extracted from a hemp plant so if you eat hemp seeds or have drank hemp milk, it is no different! Our CBD does not have any psychoactive effects or addictive properties, it is all just pure, natural healing. It is so safe that it is lab tested, American made and non-gmo!
With new medicines that are expected to provide such a wide range of healing, it is only natural that you may become skeptical of this trending supplement, but rest assured we are here to answer any and all questions. It is important to us that each of our customers receives the best kind of healing for their individual needs and we take your journey to wellness very seriously. 

Designed by Nature 

Plants and people- as humans we are designed coexist with plants. Without plants we could not survive because there would be no food, and therefor no human life. We depend on nature to give us nutrients and health. As humans we have been using whole-plant medicines sense ancient times. It is known that the first forms of medicinal remedies were herbs, and throughout the evolution of history we have found new and innovative ways to use these herbs. In prehistoric times we would simply just dry and boil herbs for healing, now we are able to get extracts, make vapes, essential oils and even infuse them into different foods. The discovery of CBD is a major headliner in the evolution of herbal medicine, but the journey is just beginning. As more people begin to welcome in the healing properties of CBD, the research behind how exactly it works with out bodies progresses as well, allowing us to further confirm the powerful harmony that is humans and nature. 

CBD oil plant medicine natural healing

CBD doses: one size does not fit all 

With many CBD companies and products diluting the market, it is overwhelming to try and decipher what works, what is real, and how to even use all of the products that are being offered. To add to the confusion everyones individual ailments coupled with their unique bodies makes it so that recommended doses are not definitive. There are not only hundreds of CBD companies out there, but because CBD is so versatile there are also hundreds of product variations and ways to take it. At My Natural CBD we have made our product line powerful, direct and simple. We offer both isolate and full spectrum CBD, and the most common variations of consumption that activates your system the best. After exploring what kinds of products are on the market that you are interested in using, it is important to understand how and when CBD should be taken for your individual needs. 

A simple understanding of CBD 

You are ready to transition into the beauty of plant medicine and decide to finally try out some of this CBD that everyone is so in love with. Now you are faced with some questions:

Isolate or full spectrum? 

Sublingual or topical? 

10mg or 5,000mg? 

Tincture or gummy? 

How often do I take it? 

How long does one bottle last? 

Wow! Up until recently you didn't even realize that hemp plants are different than cannabis plants, yet alone that there were so many details that went into one extract from it. 

It may seem like a lot, but as you educate yourself it becomes a lot more simple and easy to understand. By the end of this article you will be a CBD expert who has the confidence to buy and put together the best CBD regimen for your individual health needs. As for how often, what dose and what product is best for you, we have broken in down in a simple guide further down in the article. But it is important to learn about CBD extracts and internal vs. external application.

Isolate vs. Full Spectrum 

Hemp plants have a rich therapeutic history, and pharmaceutical companies have been able to capture it by using different extracts from the plant. Isolate CBD products contain 100% CBD cannabinoids and no other extracts, and it is confirmed by lab testing. This is a purified, single molecule, direct version of hemp that offers relaxation and euphoric ease to the brain and body. Full spectrum CBD contains several different cannabinoids, there are hundreds of active compounds in the hemp plant and our tinctures contain over 70 of them. Cannabinoids like CBD, CBC, CBG and so on, all activate different receptors in your systems offering a wider and more potent range of healing. CBD is also more bioavailable when it has its paired with its entourage of other hemp molecules. Most people with serious health problems utilize full spectrum CBD because of the teamwork of all the active compounds together. 

Sublingual vs. Topical 

There is a vast array of ways to take CBD, but they can all be organized into two categories, sublingual or topical. Sublingual is the most powerful because it goes directly into your system in order to bind with different receptors to ease pain and promote repair. Topical CBC works best for things like arthritis, acne and muscle pain. 


Here is what you need to know about taking CBD: 

Once you have chosen a CBD product that you are excited to use and that will work with your specific health needs, it is important to begin right away by taking your CBD daily, consistency is very important so that your body will consistently target internal healing. 

It takes 10 days for your endocannabinoid system to activate. We recommend you take your full dose, each day for 10 days to see full results from your CBD. Most people start seeing dramatic effects within 3 days. Each of our tinctures, and our gummys last about 30 days. We offer a subscription program where you can sign up for automatic, discounted CBD refills that arrive at your doorstep monthly so that you never have to go without your CBD. 

What is best for you- and how much do you take? 

We have created a suggested guide just for you that brakes down CBD and how to take it!

dose chart from my natural cbd

 You are not alone 

These are some of the main imbalances that My Natural CBD customers face in their life, however CBD is known to heal and treat a vast array of imbalances that expands beyond this list. It only makes sense that if you are seeking to get healthy, you use a healthy product like CBD rather than chemically formed pharmaceuticals. This article is created for you, in order to have a simple guide that educates you on how to begin your healing with CBD. We want to offer as much knowledge and information as we can so that you fell confident and empowered to finally heal in ways you never thought possible!

Need more assistance before you buy? Use our dosage calculator to determine what product is best for you! 

We have a whole team of Healing Experts who are ready to help guide you down the path of plant healing- so feel free to e-mail us with any questions. Our goal is to make CBD easily accessible to all people- and to help the progression of knowledge behind how this miracle medicine performs so perfectly in the human body. We look forward to igniting your healing process with our top of the line CBD products!  Be sure to follow us on instagram @my_naturalcbd for CBD news, ideas, and community connection. 


how to take cbd dose


- FDA Disclaimer - *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Molly Behunin
Molly Behunin

2 Responses

Ignacio González
Ignacio González

March 20, 2019

My wife has a postherphetic pain (neurophatia) since two years ago and the pain is now chronic. Can you help us to said us what tincture she need to use and the dose?. The pain is severe. Thanks.

linda jacoby
linda jacoby

April 18, 2019

what is vap? is that like smoking? i still need better clarity on dosage. i already use my natural cbd. i even sent a bottle to a friend. glad to know it may take 10 days to feel the full effect. interested in all information about cbd. thank you

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